Monday, May 16, 2011

Visiting the Grandparents

Happy 76th Birthday, Paw Paw!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb. 25 (cont'd)

I forgot to mention:


February 25, 2010

Ok Ok... I know, it's been forever!
School is good, crazy busy, but good.
I had asthmatic bronhitis for a while there. That sucked.
Christmas was amazing.
New Years was awesome, Monica came over and spent two days. Lots of football and food. haha.
My birthday day was probably the day ever. The weather was beautiful and I had an amazing dinner with Rach and the fam.
Valentine's Day is one of the best movies ever! Me and Rach cried. It was great.
School has basically taken over my life.. So, that is all for now. haha
Song of the Moment:
You find your faith has been lost and shaken
You take back what's been taken
Get on your knees and dig down deep
You can do what you think is impossible
Keep on believing, don't give in
It'll come and make you whole again
It always will, it always does
Love is unstoppable
-"Unstoppable" by Rascal Flatts

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


AHHH!!!! It's finally December! This is my FAVORITE time of the year! Campus is gorgeous right now, and it is finally starting to get cold... which means it is almost time for gloves/mittens!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting. Thanksgiving was so much fun! We went to the lake with the Minor's and watched Alabama beat Auburn in the Iron Bowl! Rooolll Tiiidddeee!!! haha. Now all that's left is Florida... I think we can do it! Just have to do better than we did Friday. lol. So I havent done any Christmas shopping.. boo... I am usually just about done by now. Stupid school. Finals are next week... Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! But it shouldn't be too bad. I have them Monday, Thursday and Friday. So i am going to bring home most of my stuff Friday and get the rest next week.
I think thats all.. lol.
Love! <3
Song of the moment: Cold by Plumb (As heard in The Vampire Diaries... <3 that show!)
I'm not a stranger, no, I am yours
With crippled anger and tears that still drip sore
A fragile frame aged with misery
And when our eyes meet I know you'll see

I do not wanna be afraid
I do not wanna die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists, I find it when I am cut

OK, so it seems kinda emo... but listen to it! It is such a pretty song!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Ok, so I am totally avoiding reading for English right now.. I really don't care about Frederick Douglass.. He's dead! Granted, he was a big guy for slaves and all that.. But it's over! He's dead! Get over it! Sorry... Just needed to vent my frustrations. Anywho... Playoff game tomorrow! Woo hoo! Go Jags! Me and Cathryn are going with Daddy and her daddy. Church Wednesday was freaking amazing! People were dancin, jumpin, screamin... it was intense! I loved it! I have to register for classes on Tuesday.. Scary! And that is kind of late because a lot of people have already registered... This is going to be interesting. I am soo happy baseball is over! Bones came back tonight! yayayay!!! But why couldn't it have been over last night?!?! I miss Glee!!! Best show ever. I have a big paper and exam in Psych on Tuesday.. what fun. First real college paper. Goodness. I had to watch We are Marshall for the people. That is the MOST emotional movie I have ever seen! If you are ever in the need for an emotional purging, that is the best movie to watch. I swear, you spend the first hour crying, then you're laughing... then you're crying again... it's intense.
I think that is everything for now....
Lyrics: Bomshel-"Fight Like a Girl"
"Hold your head high, Don't ever let them define
The light in your eyes.
Love yourself, Give 'em Hell.
You can take on this world.
You just stand and be strong
And then fight
Like a girl!"
Love it! Such an amazing song!